Monday, November 07, 2005

It's Not So Much the Carbs as It is the Portions and the Condiments

Somehow I ballooned to 118 lbs., so I’m going to try to eat half of what I’m used to and cut back on the condiments. I think cutting back on condiments alone, I could lose one or two pounds. That probably sounds alarming that I eat with that much ketchup and mustard. Plus, I need to find “exercise in disguise”. I can’t get motivated to run or get on a machine, but fun activities that involve physical movement seem to work. So yesterday Joe dragged me out to help the Codorus Creek Improvement Partnership plant some plants at the creek yesterday for 3 hours. It actually crossed my mind to go out to the clubs on weekends to dance…uh…maybe I should sign up for a dance class instead…

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