Sunday, June 03, 2007

Random Shite #11

You know what's weird? Fan fiction. It's a borderline obsessive activity, don't you think? Who has time to think of new episodes or situations in their head beyond what's available on TV? But there's this huge population of boys (and girls) in their basements writing about new stuff going on with Jack Bauer after the show is over. It's just too much.

I'm on the East Coast. And it's humid. I call it "too-hot-for-pants" weather. So as you might guess, I've got no pants on.

English Premier season is over and I ended up ranked 348,254th out of 1,276,164. So I reached my goals of making the top half and beating Jules. I'm pretty psyched about it.

I'm listening to Tim Armstrong's new album and I've this song totally stuck in my head..."let's get movin' into action!!" I love it.

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