Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The End of Snowboarding Season

Yesterday was our last attempt at snowboarding for the season. Too bad we drove all the way up there to find it exceptionally crowded on the warm and sunny day and too much for Joe to handle. We decided to go to the country club and ride down the hills of the groomed fairways.

The idea of sliding down the hill just to turn around and hike it back up the long hill wasn't exciting for me, but I agreed just because I knew that's what Joe preferred. It started out quite difficult because the snow was so powdery that I kept cutting underneath it and slowing down. Then I would take off my board and look up the hill I would have to climb just to do it all over again.

We were even joined by Joe's dad who also was having trouble with the soft snow. But in the end, it was a grueling workout. And I had a small victory jumping off a ramp Joe made in the middle of the hill. That ramp made the whole thing worth it.

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