Thursday, February 08, 2007

A.I. Artifical Intelligence vs. I, Robot

Ok, I realize I'm comparing Stanley Kubrick to Isaac Asimov. But I put them right after another on my Netflix queue and now I feel like I have to compare them.

I think it's interesting that anyone would try to debate whether or not robots should be given human qualities. I think it defeats the purpose of what a robot is. But in any case, that's what these 2 movies did.

In A.I., the question is whether to make a boy robot real (a la Pinocchio) in order for him to feel love. He waits through ages, wishing on a blue fairy, to become a real boy so he can go back home and be loved by his mother. And then in I, Robot the question is whether we should give robots free will (meaning the ability to break from the 3 Laws and kill). I guess A.I. was suppose to be really touching, but I think it came off the wrong way. For me, I don't see the point in building robots to be humans. That's what we have cloning for.

I guess what I'm saying is, robots should be robots. I think I pick I, Robot as the better movie. Plus, I really think Jude Law is a doofus.

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