Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fitness for Skinny People

Some people would think that skinny people don't have a reason to exercise or watch their diets. This is simply ridiculous. Skinny people huff and puff after climbing 5 flights of stairs. I should know. I guess I'm a typical skinny girl. You know the type- skinny all my life, never had to exercise, ate whatever the hell I wanted. In high school I weighed around 97 lbs. In college, I never got the "freshman 15", pigged out at all hours of the day, and still weighed around 97 lbs.

It wasn't until after I got out of college that I gained some weight. A few winters ago, someone told me that I looked healthier (I got up to about 117 lbs). I guess I looked unhealthily skinny back then (I couldn't donate blood for being underweight). But then I realized something. I might have looked healthier, but the fact was that I didn't feel healthier. In fact, I felt bloated all the time.

So now I'm on this health kick, working out regularly and wrangling in my eating habits (although I refuse to eat anything labeled fat free or go on those restrictive diets). I've even experienced that high I keep hearing about and it makes me want to work out more.

I started looking for articles online about fitness for skinny people like me, but wouldn't you guess...there aren't very many. So I guess I'm going to somehow become some role model for other skinny people who work out/exercise/diet, but can't stand the hissing stares from other women who think I'm being pretentious.

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