Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 1: 5 Boroughs in 3 Days

I met Dan at Penn Station at 3:30 and we headed back to his apartment to drop off my bags. We made a list of places to visit during my stay and then grabbed dinner and a movie. We saw "Avenue Montaigne", a cute little French movie that sort of broke my heart. I'll do a full review later on that. And then we stopped for dinner at Cafetasia, which is some hip Thai restaurant with communal seating.

Dan notes that cafeteria-style seating is becoming the fashion in the newest eateries and I agree that it's definitely cool. They had electric candles hanging from the ceiling that looked like the dining hall in the Harry Potter movies. And we had an oil candle at our table that looked like it could have set my hair on fire. I ordered the pad thai, which I swear was refilling itself from the bottom. After eyeing down the dessert the next table ordered, we ordered our own fried mango ice cream in a flaming sauce. And yes, I'm responsible for giving Dan that taste of alcohol he hasn't had in over a year. Whoops, my bad.

The Guide:
Quad Cinema - Manhattan
Cafetasia - Manhattan

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