Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Random Shite #4

Bank holiday comes six times a year
Days of enjoyment to which everyone cheers
Bank Holiday comes with a six pack of beer
...then it's back to work A.G.A.I.N.

Fantasy Football Update: I traded Trevor Sinclair out since he's out on injury with no return date. I put in Morten Gamst Pedersen from Blackburn. Currently ranked 7414th in the world and still beating Jules! Ha!

I went to Target yesterday and bought a dog costume for my cat. It ended up fitting on Athena, so she'll go as a bee for Halloween. She's not very happy with the costume on but she doesn't struggle to get it off either. Pictures to come!

Most people I know have these things on MySpace. So apparently, I'm out of the friend loop because I'm not on MySpace. Screw it! I'm way cooler because I use Blogger! MySpace? My ass.

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