Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why Your Netflix Queue is Exactly the Same as My Netflix Queue

Netflix is cool. I like the convenience and what not, but what's really interesting is that renting movies has become a social thing somewhat like MySpace. I'm linked to 2 of my friends' Netflix queues and I can see what they're watching and send recommendations (or warnings) on certain movies and whatever. It's actually sort of voyeuristic. If there was actually porn on someone's queue, that would be embarrassing. "Hey, how was the movie last night. Wink wink nudge nudge."

Sometimes I feel like I need to overhaul my whole queue so that in the odd case someone looks at my queue, I'd just seem a little cooler. But screw it, right? I really do want to watch Weird Al Yankovic's video collection.

I log on one day and find that someone else put that same video collection in his queue!!! Hey wait a second, he just stole my rental pick! And then I realize that a lot of the videos in my waiting list are also on other people's list. Is that why we're friends? Because we have the same taste in video rentals? Or is this the new strategy for choosing movies, stealing from other people's list?

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