Thursday, July 20, 2006

You Think Mead is Cool, Don't You?

Yuck! Mead is gross. I don't care if you are one of those Renaissance faire geeks and think that mead is awesome. Or if you're a goth and think anything medieval is sweet. Mead is not cool. It's gross and you are weird for liking it.

1 comment:

  1. What don't you like about it? It's a very versatile drink. You can make it anywhere from ultra-dry, ale like or even super sweet. You can make it flat or sparkling. You can mix in fruit or various other things for flavoring.

    Once made, it can be served chilled and neat, on the rocks with lemon or fruit juice, heated with mulling spices like spiced cider or mulled wine, etc. etc.

    It also has the added benefit of being really easy to make. It's easy to make it without sulfites so that you don't get the sulfite headach common with many wines.

    Perhaps you should try a few different varieties before deciding. It's not always that syrupy sweet stufff that they serve at Ren Faires.

    If you like any beer or wines, I suspect there exists a mead somewhere that you would also like.
