Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Movie Review: Trois Couleurs

We're waist deep in the middle of this French trilogy. So far we've seen Bleu, which is about this lady that loses her husband and child in a car accident and the measures she takes to start a new life. I'm on the fence on whether this installment was enigmatic or totally boring.

Then there was Blanc, which is about this guy that finds himself divorced from his wife that he still loves and the measures he takes to prove his love and get her back. It's quite twisted in the end and much more entertaining than Bleu. You even see little bits of Bleu woven into Blanc as certain shared scenes come and go throughout the movie.

We're waiting on Rouge to come in the mail, with the expectation that things will be tied together neatly by the end. We shall see, you never know with these artsy fartsy French films.

So far: 3 eggrolls.

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