Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Strategy for Shutting Down Wal-Mart

If you still shop at Wal-Mart for whatever reason (it's convenient, they have everything I need, it's affordable), there may be a reason to stop. If the fall of America isn't from the war, there may soon be a new reason. See if you can follow me on this.

Human cases of the deadly H5N1 virus (bird flu) has been documented in Iraq. Human cases, people! And how many American troops do we have in Iraq? Thousands? Well, every plane full of returning soldiers holds the potential of carrying those buggers back to the USA. And where will the virus show up?


Let's think about this for a moment.

When an American soldier returns to his home, what is the first thing he will do? The most American you can do, of course. Go to Wal-Mart. Any day now, bird flu will be tranmittable from human to human. And when that day comes, Wal-Mart will be teaming with virus within hours. And how many people walk through the doors of Wal-Mart on an hourly basis?

You get the drift.

Let's all do our part and stop going to Wal-Mart. The economy...and your health may depend on it.

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