Monday, October 17, 2005

Thinking Ahead

Oh man, holiday season is just around the corner. Once Halloween hits, it starts a domino effect of holidays that just make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

New Years

I love planning for parties, Aaron and Alisha are throwing their annual Halloween party and we can't wait. This year they are making it pot luck, so now that costume worries are out of the way, the next thing to start thinking about is the food. This weekend, I would like to do an Iron Chef Pumpkin Battle at home and test out some recipe ideas. Of course there will be roasted pumpkin seeds, but I was thinking about making pumpkin soup, Joe wants to make pumpkin bread, and there are a few other ideas I want to try out.

Our new friend, "Joe Black" is also throwing a Halloween party the same night. We still plan to make an appearance at this party. It's important to me to do more things with new people we meet. Joe and I just don't have enough friends.

After that, it's doing the rounds with family for Thanksgiving. I love this part too, the more turkey I eat the better, I say. Food is my favorite.

And then it's Christmas time, which is so great. I love buying gifts, it's definitely a joy for me to think about Christmas gifts. And I pretty much do it all year. Everytime I hear someone talk about something they've been looking at, I tuck it away in my mind and keep my eyes peeled for when Christmas time comes. And we're planning on throwing our 3rd party this year, which I'm looking forward to. The decorations and the gag gifts are such a highlight for me. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. It's hella busy, but there's a lot of partying going on. Between Thanksgiving and New Years there are six family birthdays (including mine, and my lil bro will be 21 this year) and three friend birthdays. And our anniversary is Jan 4. It's a pretty expensive, fattening, and drunk month for us, lol.
