I'm relieved to finally see Martha Stewart's new show finally air. Marcia Cross was her first guest and it was a little disturbing to see Martha in a different light. She actually said something to the effect of "I have to go out and get new underwear", in response to comparisons between Brie (Marcia's character on Desperate Housewives) and herself. Although it's scary to imagine a 60-year old woman going out buying lingerie, I think it's refreshing. I now see that my aspirations of being a Martha Stewart in my own home are just that much more attainable now that I know that Martha is just like every other woman in America.
Martha also showed Marcia how to fold a shirt in 3 steps. 3 steps!!! The lady is a genius, and I can't seem to get enough of her and her great ideas. I really thought the content of her magazines weren't as good when she had to leave, and I'm anxious to read about her ideas once again.
And the woman can make jail jokes. One segment in which she surprises two Italian ladies preparing dinner, she's sitting at a table learning a card game. She quips that she should know every game there is because she got a book on them whilst in jail. She has no shame. And hey, I think it wins her fans.
Today's episode will be the "poncho episode" and David Spade will be a guest. I know what I'll be doing at 6:00 tonight when I get home from work!
Before I close, it would be very un-Martha of me to leave you hanging on how to fold a t-shirt. So I've included a link here. Enjoy.
How to Fold a Shirt
Thank you for the shirt folding link! hehe