I'm leaving a little early today to go to West Chester to meet Jules. We're going to see Paul McCartney at the Wachovia Center tonight. That'll be fun, at least see one of the still-living Beatles before he dies.
I remember a few years ago, after George had just died:
Me: Man, remember when they were all still alive? Now only half of them are left.
Jules: No, I was born in '82, remember?
Oh snap! I can't believe that the youth generation are now the generation not to have been alive when all of the Beatles were alive. My, how times are a-changin'.
I have complete respect for the Beatles and what they've done. And sometimes I feel like I could wring someone's neck when some kid stands on their soapbox, claims they are a music guru, and yet doesn't know squat about the Beatles. How do you know music if you don't know the Beatles???
Because everyone knows that, no matter what you are listening to today, it was already done...by the Beatles. They were the architects, shall we say, of the entire music landscape we know today. So show your respect, you dumbass kids!!!
albeit completely unrealted to social security or migraine I must admit that i did spend quite some time perusing your most interesting blog. I shall be checking back in the not so near future for updates. Until then, toodles!!